some filthy basses in this one, and some very nice colour bass, definitely vibing to this one!
some filthy basses in this one, and some very nice colour bass, definitely vibing to this one!
Probably one of my favourites that you've put out, very menacing, but never forget the chimpmumk version ;D
Don't know why I never finished this review but here have this:
After listening to the original Poison, I can confidently tell you this is significantly better, the drops have so much more character to them, the pure experimentation of the drops, the drastic contrast in the second drop, i remember hearing that idea when you first made it and I found it hilarious, and still do. Wonderful job my dude
As i said on discord, not entirely sure how i feel about the bleeps and bloops in the drops, something just feels a little off with them, however, again, as already stated, the second drop with the more sustained basses and the little melodicity towards the second half really caught my attention, so props to you for that my man!
SIgnificantly better than the first mix of this that you had. The buildups have so much more in them, there's an eery feel to them, and my god those drops. Like there are some dubstep tracks i've listened to that just make you want to fight something and this is definitely another one of those ones. So happy with what you did on this one.
Joined on 7/31/20